A New Beginning
There are many ways to live your life. Some of these ways and virtues that will begin to assist change in your life and on your journey I have mentioned many times. I am beginning to see the changes every day. They are small, subtle, simple, easy changes however just as powerful.
Witnessing change in Peoples actions, picking up rubbish, helping a stranger, saying hello to your neighbour.
All stem from the four virtues of life.
Being Gentle, Sincere, Supportive and to be of Service… The below will also help you.
* Be immersed in and surrounded by peace. Your Highest Self only wants you to be at peace. It does not judge, compare, or demand that you be defeat anyone, or be better than anyone.
* Go beyond the restriction of the physical plain. The purpose of the Highest Self is to assist you in this. Create an inner sanctuary that is yours alone. Go to this silent inner retreat as often as you can, and let go of all attachments to the external world of the ego.
* Refuse to defend yourself to anyone or anything on the earth plain. Stay within your higher energy pattern. Use your inner light for alignment and allow those who disagree to have their own points of view.
* Surrender and trust in the wisdom that created you. This trust is your corner of freedom and it will always be yours.
live by these virtues and Life will be Beautiful
Learn, learn, learn.
Johan Smit